An apple a day *keeps the doctor away
but if the doctor is cute
i'll throw the apple away

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Medical Humour #1

3 Doctors are at a Convention talking Shop.

The first Doctor says: "I love doing surgery on Artists, they are so colorful: red Hearts, pink Stomachs, green Spleens."

The next Doctor says: "Me, I love doing surgery on Accountants, open them up and all their Parts are numbered, makes it very easy.”

The third Doctor says: "I love doing surgery on Lawyers, they have no Heart, they have no Guts and the Head and the Ass are interchangeable!"



♥Missy Cai at 2:38 PM

about me

  • ♥Missy Cai
  • an ex-clinic assistant who shares her views and her little medical knowledge.

I say

  • In life, you can never have everything you want. But you can make the best out of what you have.
  • patients' messages

    • Blogwalkers are sick.

    past medical history


    • This blog is intended for my own learning and reference only and does not serve as professional medical advice. It's always best to consult your doctor prior to initiating any form of medical regimen and treatment.