An apple a day *keeps the doctor away
but if the doctor is cute
i'll throw the apple away

Maybe, let me share about the symptoms of my maniac colleague, who got into elevated, irritable mood.

Instance #1 - Bus stop incident

Usually when we lunch together, she would take her own sweet time, exploring different canteens, bazaars, visiting the mini marts. This time she bought an ice cream after our lunch, and we slowly walked back to wait for the shuttlebus. It has been a long lunch already and she is still taking her time to walk and enjoy her ice cream. Sounds like someone who enjoys life and food huh? But this is during work and we don't have 2 hour lunch, you know. When I wanted to board the bus, she stopped me. She was still eating her ice cream and said she couldn't board the bus.

What... this is not SMRT you know. Just a freaking school shuttle bus.

But I didn't voice it out. Being the usual me, I kept more thoughts inside me than prefer to saying out loud. This negative energy is engulfing me. Although I don't have a lot of experiments that day, I just didn't like the idea of - having a super long lunch during working hours. When everyone else just took a quick 1 hr lunch and got back to work, why should I take so long? Moreover, I don't want people to think of me as always-taking-long-lunches-girl.

Ok. Back to her. So fortunately a call came at the right time. A colleague asked if I prepared the instrument. Though I needn't have to rush back, I used the phone call as an excuse to return first. Time is ticking and I really do not want to wait anymore. She could enjoy the ice cream and take her time if she wants to.

I need to get back to work so I'm leaving first, yeah.

No response.

I go off first ya. Waving my hand to get her attention.

No response.

Last time. I waved my hand right in front of her face so she must have seen it.

No response.

Great. So I am leaving. What's wrong with her??? Getting angry over me leaving first? I don't get angry easily but I am intolerant to intolerance. This has super pissed me off.

Ok, I just need to vent about this and I'll calm down...

Instance #2 - 7 Eleven incident
Again we were having lunch, this time at a different canteen. She needed to pay her bills and she suggested that canteen. Why don't you pay at AXS machine? It's faster and more convenient and we don't have to go all the way to 7 Eleven. No, she said. She has never used an AXS before and paying bills by 7 Eleven will be much, safer.

She has her way of going all out to explain why the need to do so that way. Ok.

After lunch, we head towards 7 Eleven. And off to the payment she made.

Suddenly, she stormed out of the 7 Eleven. Leaving me behind, still reading the news and waiting for her. I saw her storm off and I was stunned. What's wrong this time?

I caught up with her and she said, the counter person didn't let me pay with masters. I have always paid using masters!! He only allowed NETS this time!!

Er... ok. Then, just pay by NETS? Why do you have to get so angry?

So she went on and on about how the person didn't let her pay by masters. I shall not elaborate on that. Not only did she get angry, she also wanted to walk back to our office building.

You know, our office building is almost 15-20mins walk away... And under this hot sun...

Maybe we should wait for the shuttle bus? Let's check what time the bus is coming.

The bus timing is not accurate.

It said 6 mins, and so, she decided to return by WALKING. Urgh. As I turned my head, our bus came. Our bus came! Yes... 6 mins is not accurate but... our bus came!

She continued walking.

And I felt like strangling her at that point. Why would you walk back to office in this scorching sun? Shuttle buses are free, you know. This is the 2nd incident that turned me off. I responded, by rolling my eyes and storming off faster than her. My friends scolded me and said I should have just left her there and take the bus back.

Instance #3 - Fisher and game incident
This time round she decided to call another friend along, probably because I haven't been responding actively to the things she said.

There was an activity hosted by another company Fisher. Shoot into the ring and win a thumbdrive!

So she went with the game, and lost. Stormed off again. Why am I not surprised anymore...

Now she is not just having logorrhea anymore. This is another term which I read - Mania. She exhibits some of these symptoms too...

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♥Missy Cai at 5:20 PM

about me

  • ♥Missy Cai
  • an ex-clinic assistant who shares her views and her little medical knowledge.

I say

  • In life, you can never have everything you want. But you can make the best out of what you have.
  • patients' messages

    • Blogwalkers are sick.

    past medical history


    • This blog is intended for my own learning and reference only and does not serve as professional medical advice. It's always best to consult your doctor prior to initiating any form of medical regimen and treatment.